Our School » Title I Guidelines

Title I Guidelines

Freiheit Elementary School
Title 1 Family Engagement Policy
Explanation of Title 1

Title 1 is a federally funded program designated to provide a high-quality education that will ensure our 
students’ mastery of skills in order to meet the state’s high academic standards. Research-based, 
supplemental instruction in reading, math, social studies, and science is provided under Title 1 funds for 
students based on academic need. These funds are dispersed to schools meeting certain qualifications 
based on eligible number of students qualifying for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program.

General Expectations
In Accordance with Title 1 requirements, this document will serve as the written Family Engagement Policy 
for Freiheit Elementary School, 2024-2025. This document has been jointly developed and has been 
agreed upon by FES staff and families. It will be distributed to FES families and the local community in a 
format that parents can understand, and it will be distributed in Spanish upon request.

Engaging our Families
In order to provide our FES Families engagement opportunities, the following will be done by our school:
• An annual Title 1 meeting will be held to inform families of the documents that set forth the 
expectations for Freiheit Elementary as well as the expectations of the families of FES students.
• Parent/Teacher conferences will be scheduled to provide parents with information on their 
student’s progress as well as to provide an opportunity for parents to ask questions and/or voice 
concerns regarding their student’s education. The campus teacher/student/parent compact will 
also be discussed and signed by all parties at this time.

• Provide timely information about school programs and give parents the opportunity to participate 
in the planning, review and joint development of the Campus Improvement Plan while being given 
the opportunity to submit any parent comments within the plan. 
• Provide flexible opportunities for parents to participate in meetings, activities, and parental 
involvement. FES may provide services to assist parents in being involved in these opportunities.
FES will continue to build upon the family and growing campus’ capacity for family engagement by offering 
information to families regarding the standards of campus, district, and state standards. Parents will also 
be given opportunities to receive education related to communicating with teachers and how to monitor 
student progress.

In order to build student achievement, families will be provided materials and training during events such 
as math and literacy nights where they will have an opportunity to engage in take-home games with their 
student’s teachers and learn more about grade level expectations.
FES will serv as a hub for parents on topics to assist families through programs by reaching out through 
activities and other educational forums to encourage preschool readiness. EFS will provide translation for 
parents if requested during these times. FES will educate our staff in implementing parent programs and
creating trusting relationships between families and schools. 

FES Mission Statement
At Freiheit Elementary School, our mission is to foster a nurturing and inclusive environment that 
promotes the academic, social and emotional growth and development of every student. We are 
dedicated to inspiring a love of learning, encouraging creativity, and building strong character for 
every eagle at Freiheit Elementary School.
Family Engagement Opportunities may include the following:
Kinder Camp
Coffee Conversations with Hooper
Student Celebration Assemblies
Grandparents Bingo
Math is a Big Deal
Homecoming Dance
Book Fair
Red Ribbon Week
Camo Strategy Night
Freiheit Friendsgiving 5K
Comal Reads
Spring Fling
Eating lunch with your student
Kindergarten Roundup
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent Webinars for Specific Topics
Family Involvement/Volunteering Opportunities:
Library Helper
Lunch Monitor
Workroom Assistant/Helping Hand
Special Events (Book Fair, PTA Events etc.)
Field Trip Chaperones
PTA Board and other school committees 
Hallway Heroes